Number of Volumes 14
Number of Issues 55
Number of Articles 1,038
Number of Contributors 2,914
Article View 1,285,141
PDF Download 1,002,473
View Per Article 1238.09
PDF Download Per Article 965.77
Number of Submissions 2,616
Rejected Submissions 1,104
Rejection Rate 42
Accepted Submissions 999
Acceptance Rate 38
Time to Accept (Days) 82
Number of Indexing Databases 9
Number of Reviewers 1004

Journal of Nanostructures (Abbreviation: J Nanostruct) is a quarterly, academic publication by the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center of the University of Kashan. Journal of Nanostructures is a medium for global academics to exchange and disseminate their knowledge as well as the latest discoveries and advances in the science and engineering of nanostructured materials.  Journal of Nanostructures follows a libre open access policy under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International public license. We do not charge authors for any submission or processing fees. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the Editorial Board and reviewers of Journal of Nanostructures before acceptance for publication.

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 Journal of Nanostructures has been covered in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), and all published articles in this journal will be indexed in the Web of Science.


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Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 4, October 2024 

Chitosan/ HAP Nanoparticles: Antibacterial Study

Pages 1077-1081


Essa D. Alhtheal; Ali K. Shakir; Ammar M. Hamza; Hussam Sami Awayid

Nanostructured Materials in Sustainable Construction: A Comprehensive Review of Durability, Thermal Efficiency, and Environmental Impact

Pages 1082-1096


Abdulelah Hameed Yaseen; Alaan Ghazi; Ahmed Isam Al-Hatem; Adnan Burhan Rajab; Nataliia Bodnar; Wael Abdulateef Jasim; Omar Saad Ahmed; Abdulsatar Shaker Salman

A Comprehensive Review on the Environmental Impacts and Innovations in Nanostructured Biodegradable Polymers

Pages 1107-1121


Abdulelah Hameed Yaseen; Alaan Ghazi; Abdullah Mohammed Awad; Mustafa Zuhaer Nayef Al-Dabagh; Nataliia Bodnar; Nora Rashid Najem; Saif Saad Ahmed; Abdulsatar Shaker Salman

Nanotechnology in Orthodontics: Revolutionizing Interventions Through Tiny Particles

Pages 1134-1142


Jinan Al-Abboodi; Ahmad Fakrurrozi Mohamad; Siti Noor Fazliah Mohd Noor; Noor Ayuni Ahmad Shafiai

Applications of Nano Composites for Heavy Metal Removal from Water by Adsorption: Mini Review

Pages 1239-1251


Ali Taher; layth sameer Jasim; Zahid Mehmood; Muhammad Danish Zawar; Muhammad Nouman Haider; Maryam Batool

Synthesis as Well as Characterization of New PEG-Coated Nanoparticles for Biomedical Application

Pages 1252-1260


Hadeel Salih Mahdi; Saif M. Alshrefi; Saja Zubair Dhabian; Mohammed Ali Mutar; Haidar Gazy Lazim

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