Peer Review Process

How is peer-review done in Journal of Nanostructures?

All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Nano Structures will have to go through a selection process before they’re published in the journal. The selection process (as shown in below chart) includes an initial screening to check conformity to style guidelines and the journal’s scope as well as a strict double-blind peer-review process done by the members of the Editorial Board and reviewers. To prepare the manuscript for the editorial peer-review process, the identifying information of the authors of the manuscript will be removed before the manuscript is placed in the queue for being refereed and discussed in the Editorial Board meeting. The Editorial Board members have full authority to determine whether a manuscript meets the editorial and scientific criteria to be accepted for publication or not. Depending on the number of articles in the queue and the time interval between Editorial Board meetings, this process may take a minimum of 45 days before it’s completed. The outcome decision of the meeting is final and will not be overturned. The corresponding author of the manuscript will be informed of the final decision of the journal through e-mail after this process is complete.

Meanwhile, authors can track the current status of their manuscript after signing in to their accounts on the journal’s website. In case of needing assistance or having any questions, do not hesitate to contact the editorial office at


JNS Peer Review Chart