About Journal

About Journal

Journal of Nanostructures (Abbreviation: J Nanostruct) is a quarterly, academic publication by the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center of the University of Kashan. Journal of Nanostructures is a medium for global academics to exchange and disseminate their knowledge as well as the latest discoveries and advances in the science and engineering of nanostructured materials.  Journal of Nanostructures follows a libre open access policy under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International public license. We do not charge authors for any submission or processing fees. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the Editorial Board and reviewers of Journal of Nanostructures before acceptance for publication.


Publishing schedule

Journal of Nano Structures is published quarterly, releasing a new issue in the first month of each season. The regular publication schedule is as follows:

1- Winter (January)

2- Spring (April)

3- Summer (July)

4- Autumn (October)


Contact Information of the Publisher

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center, University of Kashan

Ghotb-e Ravandi Blvd.

Kashan, Iran

Postal Code: 51167 – 87317

Telephone: +98 (031) 559 13 200

E-mail: jns@kashanu.ac.ir
