Organic Thin Film Transistors with Polyvinylpyrrolidone / Nickel Oxide Sol-Gel Derived Nanocomposite Insulator

Document Type : Research Paper


Depatment of Physics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.



Polyvinylpyrrolidone  /  Nickel  oxide  (PVP/NiO)  dielectrics  were fabricated  with  sol-gel  method  using  0.2  g  of  PVP  at  different working  temperatures  of  80,  150  and  200  ºC.  Structural  properties and surface morphology of the hybrid films were investigated by X- Ray  diffraction  (XRD)  and  Scanning  Electron Microscope  (SEM) respectively. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was used to make  a  quantitative  chemical  analysis  of  an  unknown material. The  obtained  results  demonstrate  the  feasibility  of  using  high dielectric  constant  nanocomposite  PVP/NiO  as  gate  dielectric insulator in the organic thin film transistors (OTFTs).
