Author = Suresh Kushinath Ghotekar
Efficient Synthesis of CeVO4 Nanoparticles Using Combustion Route and Their Antibacterial Activity

Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2018, Pages 144-151


Damayanti Ramchandra Kamble; Sachin Vasant Bangale; Suresh Kushinath Ghotekar; Sambhaji Rau Bamane

Phytosynthesis and Biological Activities of Fluorescent CuO Nanoparticles Using Acanthospermum hispidum L. Extract

Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2017, Pages 165-174


Shreyas Pansambal; Keshav Deshmukh; Ajay Savale; Suresh Ghotekar; Onkar Pardeshi; Gotan Jain; Yogesh Aher; Dattaprasad Pore